Dr. Michael King on Blockchain Fintech

The University of Regina hosted guest lecturer Dr. Michael King from the Ivey School of Business, Friday March 8, 2019.
He explained how blockchain is a part of the advancing financial technology sector of business, and then explained how blockchain technology started with Bitcoin, and where it’s likely to appear next.

Just Transition summit – more video

I enjoyed these presentations, and you especially have to watch the concluding speech by Ella.

The adults spent most of the time driving/talking though, but it was worthwhile learning about more-fair ways to shut down the fossil fuel industry than waiting for the inevitable lay-offs after extended climate/water/soil/wildlife/people destruction.

Just Transitions Summit a Success

Check back later for more videos from the event.*****

The organizers will have edited content from it online at a later time.
Here are my videos and photos from the two day event.

Just Transitions

The point was to find paths to implement a just transition for workers in fossil fuel industries in Saskatchewan, and what that means in our colonial and capitalist economy. Industries in the boom/bust cycle are infamous for shutting down within a day, and throwing the local economy into chaos, so just transitions is a solution to that problem, for a more fair transition to the renewable economy that can replace fossil fuels.

Just Transitions

Just Transitions
